Hey people who love and don't love old video/ console games...
This is not a thread for bashing.
FOR STARTERS, I'm creating this thread so we can list out old games we cherish and love, compare and contrast, share knowledge and learn a bit about games we've not heard of before, games we might like to learn about and let's not forget... About each other, because how we relate to games shows us who we really are... (awwwwwww).
Secondly, "old" games,
in this thread, are classified as 2006 and earlier (1971 is the earliest).
Alright, to start off, I'm going to provide a list of my top ten favorites (I have too many to choose from and I'm constrained by time, right now, so 10 will do, until later

And they aren't listed in any particular order unless said so).
Starting with my favorite JRPG and game of all time, then I will list the others:
1) Chrono Cross & Chrono Trigger. IT'S A TIE!!! (shock and awe).
2) Metal Slug series
3) Doom series (includes Wolfenstein)
4) Duke Nukem 3D
5) Legend of Zelda series (gameboy)
6) Pokemon (red, green [yes, I played the Japanese version], blue, yellow) - If you don't know what these are, you're too young for me.
7) Virtual On
8) Joust
9) Stratego
10) AoW (Age of Wonders 1)