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Amnesia Book/Short Story?
alaskahorrorfan Offline
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RE: Amneasia Book/Short Story?

(11-27-2010, 04:26 AM)hollowleviathan Wrote: It *is* the story it is based on. It's intended to be experienced as a game.

Well yes I know that.....very effective too, when I got to the "prison" level I said "screw that I need to build my courage before continuing"....in other words exactly what I wanted from the experience. However I was curious if anyone had put it into the pure-text medium, like the Planescape: Torment novel did for the game (which I just bought, finished, and now going to read the book).

However you gotta admit, an ancillary short short would be neat....I'm not talking about an "explaining" one, but lets say a story from the POV of one of the people that end up being bodies there.

I'm just saying I want to experience more of this wonderful world that FricGames has made.....same for the Penumbra games. Like if they had a open-submittal-request for short stories inspired by Penumbra/Amnesia....I would buy the end product (book). Hey, possible new revenue stream!
11-27-2010, 07:32 AM

Messages In This Thread
Amnesia Book/Short Story? - by alaskahorrorfan - 11-27-2010, 04:05 AM
RE: Amneasia Book/Short Story? - by alaskahorrorfan - 11-27-2010, 07:32 AM
RE: Amneasia Book/Short Story? - by Yuhaney - 11-27-2010, 02:45 PM
RE: Amnesia Book/Short Story? - by Wolveria - 11-29-2010, 10:59 PM

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