[/align]although most of these arent possible heres some ideas i just thought of during random times for amnesia
1: Rpg Style Stats
Would modify the games configuration to change basic aspects of your characters Strength\Weaknesses,Such as
Strength-Allows you to throw objects farther, And Drag objects Faster
Agility:Move quicker and Jump a Tad Higher
Endurance: Allows you to take more damage from enemies
(note i ran out of ideas quickly this list is in no way finished)
(The Stats will be upgradable until 15)

-These will make the game more intresting on how you want to play They Will be divided into different categories some examples of perks would be like:
Rationing-use less oil and half the ammount of tinderbox to light candles
Improved stealth:Allows you to go prone\Make less noise
Strong Will:Your Sanity Drains slower and finding important objects increases more sanity
1-3:Character Archetypes
-Lets you start out with +3 to the ability the archetype is based on
For Example
4:Hybrid- +1 Towards Towards all 3 stats
Please note this list is in no way finished and is just random ideas which i thought would be cool