Hi there everyone.
First of all, i am pretty detail oriented, and want everything to look perfect, like lights, ambience etc.
While making my Maps, and creating some Scary events, I'm now at my first Enemy (it's a hallucination but still

Since i want a bit of intro in my game, the first 1-2 maps with some rooms don't contain enemys.
My first hallu enemy now appears. I give you a quick overview:
You walk into a room, and on picking up an item, the door behind you gets closed an locked.
The key is inside this room, you have to find it.
On using the key on the door I made my monster appear.
Now my question comes in:
I tried several ways, and let my friend test all of them.
1: The monster spawns behind the door, and as soon as you open it, it will charg to you and fade to dust.
2: The monster spawns behind you in the room where you looked for the key, so you have to open the door quickly, and close it behind you (or just facecheck it and make it dissapear, what the normal player won't know)
3: Behind the door is a large corridor, and the Monster will spawn at the very end, barely visable but you defently know it is there, and you get the creeps while thinking how you get passed it. (what actually isn't possible withouth touching it)
May you have other ideas, or just point out the one you like the most.
For the Second question:
Is there any way to creat a (working) Mirror in the game?
I came up with the idea to let a monster appear behind you when looking in the mirror, and make it dissapear when you turn around to check it.
I am pretty sure that ain't possible so i came up with another similar idea:
Make A picture look like a mirror.
Make a second picture, with the mirror thingy and a person on it looking at you (creating the mirrorimage of yourself)
And make a third picture, similar to the second Picture and make a Monster in the background of the picture.
Then connect everything together:
You see a Glasslooking thing at the wall.
You walk towards it, and see yourself.
You still look at it, you see an enemy behind you.
You turn around, there isn't any enemy.
You look at the mirror again, and the 2nd picture is there again, like there never was something behind you.
And by walking away from it, it fades to the glass look.
My third and final question:
How do i put custom sound in my game?
I took some .wav and .mp3 files to make a nice ambience.
Then i made them tho .ogg and so on, but now i'm at the end of my knowledge
As said before, i want everything to look perfect, even those "small" things. and i hope it will be a great game once its finished =)
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