This problem has been plagueing me for awhile now. It comes and goes and whatever spastic changes I do to Amensia or my Comp, only temporary fix the problem before it comes back sometimes in less than a minute or returns a week later.
This framerate issue only happens to one of my maps for my custom story 7 Deadly Sins. Its a fairly large outdoor level that I didn't want to split up into to smaller maps if I could help it. The area you start in is a enclosed area.
I read somewhere that if you have cracks in walls, the Amensia Engine will try to render or draw everything, slowing performance. But this problem occurs anywhere in my map, so I'm not sure. Just guessing like crazy and can't find a solution.
The map is under 4MB right now, and a couple of my other maps are above 5MB and they have no problems.
I've tried the following...
1. Deleting the map_cache.
2. Restarting Amensia, the Level Editor and/or the Computer.
3. Re-installing Amensia since it was giving me other problems anyways.
4. My system specs are high, so I know their is no problem with that. Lowering graphics anyways didn't do anything.
5. Looking through my script. The worst possible thing it poses is lightning flashing every 30-40 seconds in a infinite loop.
Anyone else have this problem, or any solutions please?
If any of you could actually test out the map for me. That would be great, I'm still wondering if this only affects me and none of you guys... And if it does affect you, I guess I can't ever release this map for my Custom Story.

Send me a PM if you would like to help.