(10-01-2011, 04:25 PM)Electrofuze Wrote: For some reason my custom story i am testing wont apear on the custom story list and these are my configs for it
< Main
Name = "LivingNightmare"
Author = "Electrofuze"
Imgfile = "Amnesia-Shambles"
Mapsfolder = "Maps/Ch01/"
Startmap = "00_Thehowling.map
Startpos = "PlayerStartArea_2"
Make sure the map name matches exactly again.. I'm not sure how you arranged it.
It sounds like you need to fix up your "custom_story_settings.cfg' (make sure it is typed JUST LIKE THAT.
and that it is NOT in your map folder. It should be in the main folder you probably listed as the campaign folder. The image file and "extra_english.lang" should ALSO be in the MAIN FOLDER.
If that doesn't fix it, try copy and pasting this (exactly) into your custom_story_settings.cfg (also, check your capitalizations and if the image is a jpg, png, etc. everything has to be exact):
ImgFile = "Amnesia-Shambles.jpg"
Name = "Living Nightmare"
Author = "Electrofuze"
MapsFolder = "Maps/Ch01/"
StartMap = "00_TheHowling.map"
StartPos = "PlayerStartArea_2"
Note, also make sure your StartPos is correct. I noticed it has a "2" at the end. What happened to the first one? lol... (This is my .cfg layout and it works so it SHOULD work for you.)
***Hope this helps