Hey Everybody!
Im Dyloo and that's my first post on this forum <yay!>
I'd like to present you my Amnesia custom story named "The Machine" - I'm working on it for about one month - 4 maps done, with 100% scripting, and one left. Though I'll not reveal the plot, I'm posting a few screens here:
Also I got an request - I need some voice acting, because I'm not able to simulate female voice
Here is everything what I need:
1. A mature man, about 30-40 years old, acting as a Lord voice.
"Hey! Is anybody out there?! Could you hear me?! I'm Lord Harris!"
2. A scared, imprisoned woman.
"Honey?! Is that you?! Honey! I thought you're dead! I've seen terrible things... everything was dark... and now - I'm here, in this cell..."
I got about 7 lines of text for each voice. I'll be very thankful, if somebody could record his voice and send me as a PM - I'll send you the rest of text afterwards.
I hope you'll enjoy it, and please be patient
More screens soon,