Psych experiment, Student in need of Level Creation Help
Introduction (skip if you're more interested in finding out what I'd need first):
Hello, my name is Tyler Willis. I am a High School Student, and in my AP Psychology Class, we are given weekly 100 point assignments on the areas we are studying. This week is Learning, and we have just learned of Pavlov's Dog's in detail, as well as classical conditioning. If you have heard of them, I believe you know where I'm going with this.
My Intentions (This is what you want to read if you're interested):
I intend to prove some of Pavlov's theories of Classical Conditioning by utilizing some of the basic principles of Amnesia's scare factors, such as the sound system, lights, and etc. I have absolutely no clue how to create a level, I have watched them on
youtube but never download them. I realize I need a scriptor and a level
General Idea for first part: The basic level designs are simple, with no immense, lavish furniture. That would be up to the level editor how they would want to do things, but anything unsettling that may affect results, such as distraction, anything looking scary that may affect heart rate, etc like the baby head fountains, knights, and windows are OFF LIMITS. I would just need a well lit, fancy castle room from the early stages of the game, in order to explain the movements and how the mouse works with opening things. This room is followed by another. The door in between does not have any effects. The next room that they directly after walk into I want to have similar. Nothing to make them distracted. The door will be locked, and will have a very obvious key near the door so that they are exposed to the reward system of purple light and the breath. At this moment I also intend to have the chase music playing and nothing else, so please make sure that they can see quite visibly that there is NOTHING else in the room. This is my Unconditioned Response and is key to doing any further experimenting. I do not want them to associate the noise with anything. They just step in and noise. Once they open the locked door, I wish them to walk into a room where the calming music like after the water monster plays, which is another Unconditioned Response test. Also very key to the experiment, so I want nothing to distract them.
Break in the Design: I will then have them play two parts of the story, the water monster part (to associate them with the music directly after as safe, a Conditioned Stimulus resulting in the Unconditioned Response to become a Conditioned Response), and then the storage part (which has many encounters with the monster, one of which has a forced chase scene with the music. This builds the chase music up with association as well).
Back into the custom story: After the happy music room which they will reload them, I wish to put them in an eery hallway much like the storage area, where a lantern filled only one oil high is at their feet. the lack of oil hopefully stimulates the response to look for more oil. This area can be filled to the designer's whim, as my want of lack of distraction is now replaced with a want for them to be very into the game. I also would like to have oil and tinderboxes to be hidden behind a few boxes or barrels. This room leads to the next by open doorway, which leads to another dark, but uneventful room. This can also be filled to whim, but please hide a few more oil and tinders. Now comes the door. Upon opening, I would like it to have 3 other doors placed on each side, so that each face of the cubical room has a door. The one in which they came from is lit by torches. The one opposite to that room is locked and needs a key. The one directly to the right upon entering will have a padlock that will read: "This lock is in excellent condition, no hammer will break this." that must be destroyed by acid found in the left room. The left will have chemicals they need to melt the lock. If you can get the burner thing from the chemical room early on in the game to mend the chemicals into one acid, that would be great. The four chemicals, one very obvious near the burner with a note that reads: "Powerful acid concoction: Sulfur, Potassium, Hydrogen, and Nitrogen", one obvious on the shelves, one hidden on the shelves, and one hidden behind the boxes and barrels in one corner. Decorate as the designer wishes, but don't over do it so that the subject has to overturn too many things. Scriptor, I will tell you what I want to have done with these chemicals upon completion of the levels. When the lock is then broken by the acid that is made, I would like the room they then enter to have a desk to the left with a key, with an closed, unlocked door on the right. The hallway is for the imaginary monster to run at them to test their reaction to chase music. Upon opening the last, key locked door they enter a room with the soothing music, and I am not sure if i am going to have a monster in there or not, as to mix up their conditioning.
Phew. That was a shit ton of typing. By the way, If I have no fucking Idea how this works and I need more insight, please tell me. I am no upright, perfect kid, I have seen the worst of the internet and have made pilgrimages to 4chan. The formality was because I am asking for help and wish to be courtious, as all I can offer in return is a special thanks in my report that I am publishing, as well as in the video.
Thanks for your time, and I hope we can be in contact and get this done, for Science! (Sorry, im a fan of Portal)