It seems that I order monster to move pathnode 1, but just little bit before bathnode it gets like stuck and then he gets order over and over again (pathnode itself are in totally okay spots). If I give them later new order they will start going new pathnode but they stop yet again little bit before pathnode. And what is worst - they dont seem to follow other pathnodes - they go straight line...
when ingame, using the debug menu, there is an option to turn on the debug graphics for enemies and the pathnodes, you can use that to examine if everything looks OK. each path node should have a connection to another path node (or several), if there is a broken link then that can cause problem, also if you find places where there are links made through places where enemies can't actually walk and things like that.
Mind posting the part of the script that adds the path nodes to the monster? Also, any chance you can provide a screenshot of that part of the map but from the level editor (preferably a view from above)?
Okay, I seem to have huge problem. No matter what I do, in every map what I have made, monster just wont go end of pathnode. It stops little bit before it and starts like trying to go tehre, animation is going over and overagain. That is problem because for me, as mapper, I cant work like that.
I have tried reinstall and full reinstall as well - (taken everything down) and none of them worked. In the end problem stays ...
My friend tested those maps and didn't have that issue what I have...