I think I might need some professional help here.. lol. I have a good idea for a story and I need some complicated, but possible, things done and I'm not that skilled. I only work with the basics. /:
Right now I want to turn a padlock into an item. I was able to tweak some things in Model Editor, and I was able to pick it up, but it doesn't show in my inventory. I want the padlock to be picked up and put into the inventory, then be able to be placed on a door. (I know how to do the last part.) I just need help on how to turn a normal static object into an item.
ALSO... I'll probably be having more problems/questions so if anyone out there would want to be my 'mentor' for the time being it would be greatly appreciated. I'll just come to you for scripting/model questions, you won't have to do much of anything besides answer my questions. xD Full credit will be given in the credits if interested!
PM me if you'd like to teach a student!

thank you.
Ba-da bing, ba-da boom.