How do I get a lever and place it in such a place to pull it? for example: pick up the item in leveleditor is called "lever_small_lever" and places it in the item: "level_small_mount" anhelp would be greatly appreciated
I improvised and put it this way and it worked:
lever_2 the lever is released, level_small_mount_1 is the business that puts the lever.level_3 the lever and is paired with the "mount". thus it was that was what i wanted to do?
void OnStart(){AddEntityCollideCallback("lever_2", "loke", "oloco", true, 1);}void oloco(string &in asParent, string &in asChild, int alState){ SetEntityActive("lever_small_mount_1", false); SetEntityActive("lever_2", false); SetEntityActive("lever_3", true);}