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Penumbra: The Remake
DjSimplicity Offline
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RE: Penumbra: The Remake

(11-27-2011, 03:32 AM)kman Wrote:
(11-26-2011, 07:26 PM)DjSimplicity Wrote:
(11-26-2011, 03:50 AM)kman Wrote:
(11-26-2011, 02:51 AM)DjSimplicity Wrote: I have a new question.
I am currently working on a game, but i dont know the codes for what i want to create..
And that is, if you look down, you see your legs and feet, look to the right/left, you see your arm.
Look in a mirror and you see yourself. how can i put that into the HPL engine?

Unless you want to make a full body model that has animations that fit the players movements that would be impossible. As it is now penumbra doesn't have any model for the player (since it isn't needed for the original game) so you would have to make it completely from scratch, which if you ask me is WAAAAY too much work for a small little moment that woould only last 5night seconds.
But it is possible?
yes, but it's so complicated and it would take so much time that it's just very impractical. it's like hiking up mount everest for 20$. and i don't think you even have the experience to do it...
Gaahh.. So whats the easiest way?
Making a new engine or writing the code into the HPL engine?

11-27-2011, 04:49 AM
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Zoridium JackL Offline

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RE: Penumbra: The Remake

(11-24-2011, 08:33 PM)Scraper Wrote:
(11-24-2011, 10:23 AM)Tanshaydar Wrote: What's the point of recreating same levels and same game? Who would want to buy same thing they already own if there is nothing new in it?

Ask those who bought Serious Sam HD.
or Halo:CE anniversary, (literally JUST a graphics update, one hundred percent graphics.

although i wouldn't be opposed to a Penumbra re-make, It would have to be much later in it's life, because as it stands the engine stands up pretty well and the graphics aren't that bad, hell, i still play the penumbra series frequently, and while the graphics definitely look dated they certainly aren't so old that they reduce gameplay (which was the case with Halo:CE, not by much you understand, but by enough that the graphics were a constant distraction)
11-27-2011, 09:29 AM
Tanshaydar Offline
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RE: Penumbra: The Remake

Well, serious sam is a mindless shooter and quite fun to play. So lot's of people would want it to be in hd. Look at this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=045DFFdMVLM

Halo has its own fanbase, which is quite large, and they are likely to buy anything with a name Halo before it.

Penumbra is another story and not a shooter.

11-29-2011, 08:32 PM
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Kman Offline
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RE: Penumbra: The Remake

kinda expanding on what tans said, it makes sense to re-make a fun game that's made to be played, but penumbra is not supposed to be a fun game and it's not supposed to be "played". it's supposed to be a scary game that you experience, they even say it in the start of amnesia and the same thing applies to penumbra, you're supposed to play it to have an experience, not play it to win it. THAT'S why i think that wouldn't work, since the whole thing would make you focus on aesthetics instead of the actual experience itself (since the only reason they would remake the whole game is to give it better graphics and such). it would be an immersion killer in my opinion, since you wouldn't be paying as much attention to the story but instead how good everything looks.

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11-30-2011, 07:13 AM
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Zoridium JackL Offline

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RE: Penumbra: The Remake

(11-30-2011, 07:13 AM)kman Wrote: kinda expanding on what tans said, it makes sense to re-make a fun game that's made to be played, but penumbra is not supposed to be a fun game and it's not supposed to be "played". it's supposed to be a scary game that you experience, they even say it in the start of amnesia and the same thing applies to penumbra, you're supposed to play it to have an experience, not play it to win it. THAT'S why i think that wouldn't work, since the whole thing would make you focus on aesthetics instead of the actual experience itself (since the only reason they would remake the whole game is to give it better graphics and such). it would be an immersion killer in my opinion, since you wouldn't be paying as much attention to the story but instead how good everything looks.
if penumbra is not meant to be "played" or fun than it is not classifiable as a video-game.

penumbra is indeed fun, because the emotions it instills are enjoyable (in the same way as say sky diving) and it is played because it is a game, you cannot play a game without playing it, it doesn't work that way. and more realistic graphics =/= less immersion, if anything it equals more immersion.

although as it is the graphics are fine and of no detriment to the game-play, and as such there is zero need for a graphics overhaul, and the engine still works to a great degree.

so a remake is not justified until such a time as there are two things, 1. a significant demand for it, and 2. the game does not stand up to the current technological standard to a degree that is detrimental.

11-30-2011, 02:20 PM
Googolplex Offline

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RE: Penumbra: The Remake

Penumbra isn't a fun game!
11-30-2011, 08:46 PM
Kman Offline
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RE: Penumbra: The Remake

ok, i think i said that wrong, you don't play penumbra to win like you would a normal game, you play it to have an experience. and penumbra is most certainly NOT a fun game, nor is it meant to be. frictional games has even said in a few blog posts that they hate it when developers compromise gameplay elements that would make the game much better so that they could meet the standards of being fun. for example, you don't run around with a shotgun blasting the tuurngait to shit, you're not some ninja that does parkour moves to avoid enemies, you're just some regular old guy running away from monsters. and i'm sorry, but there is absolutely NOTHING fun about being scared shitless, sure it can be fun to watch someone get scared, or to laugh at yourself for being scared, but when you're in the moment and you're freaking the fuck out there is no way that you're having fun. and sure it might make you feel certain emotions, but if anything they just make it feel more real and interesting thus making it more scary.

and with the whole graphics improvement thing, sure if it was a whole new generation that wouldn't be an issue, but if anyone who had played the original penumbra played it it would kill immersion. you would already know everything that would happen, you would already know the whole story, the only change that you'd be able to focus on is the graphics since that's the only thing that'd changed. now MAYBE if they changed up the story or the level design it would work, but only then since players would have something else to focus on other than the improved graphics.

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(This post was last modified: 12-01-2011, 12:05 AM by Kman.)
12-01-2011, 12:04 AM
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