(12-20-2011, 10:44 PM)Statyk Wrote: (12-20-2011, 10:08 PM)maxlime44 Wrote: I'm trying to use the editor and following the basic tutorial but when I goto select a texture for my basic pane i can't find ANY! this is the second install of the editor and game I've tried.
Make sure your image is made into a .mat by using the MaterialEditor first.
I think what he's saying is that he can't find textures for planes when he goes to lay down a plane in the level editor, not that he's trying to make a new texture

anyways if that's the case, i'm not sure exactly what you're doing wrong but i'll run you through what to do. first hit '9' and click on the little button that says '...' this should bring you to the redist folder, from there go to the static objects folder and then from there to the dungeon_base folder (you don't HAVE to pick dungeon_base, i'm just using it as an example). Then click on the floor folder and select the type of material you'd like. In any case, you definitely have material files in there, since if you didn't you wouldn't see any of the floors in Amnesia. Hope this helps!