(01-02-2012, 04:35 PM)Statyk Wrote: (01-02-2012, 04:31 PM)kartanonperuna Wrote: I dont have any underscores.And my maps are located in Custom stories,Just another night folder and in there,maps folder.
so it runs down like this? (capitalizations, spaces, and spelling ALL the same):
"custom_stories > Just another night > maps"
I've run into the same problem, my map won't show up either. And I'm pretty sure i've tripplechecked all the capitals, spaces etc.
My folder layout is like this : (Amnesia - The Dark Descent\redist\custom_stories\The Demon Summoning\maps\ (the map))
where my custom_story_settings.cfg is in the "The Demon Summoning" folder, where my .jpg is as well
The .cfg looks like this.
ImgFile = "dag_2.jpg"
Name = "The Demon Summoning"
Author = "Roy Hornstra"
MapsFolder = "maps/"
StartMap = "Kerkincrement2.map"
StartPos = "PlayerStartArea_1"
HAH! I found it

the slash is the wrong way around! thanks guys you are awesome!
Ill keep you posted on progress.
Darn that wasn't it :/
So okay for the completeness of my story. For some reason when I saved the .cfg file it didn't actually make it a .cfg file it still had the textfile icon. So I used a different custom map its .cfg and put my info inside that. Knowing is half the battle