Hello guys'n'gals,
I just started my 2nd Custom Story for Amnesia: TDD and I think it will be pretty good, but I'm not so good in designing rooms (especially details) and it would be too bad if the player would see 50 empty rooms

So I look for guys that are good with the HPL Editor and are interested in giving those maps life. All details will be given to you if you give me any contact data.
But because I want to make this CS professional, I also need speakers for characters, mostly male ones (idk why, but in Amnesia you find tons of naked men but no woman o.O) because the models are all male (We could make the player female though).
Why you should join me and not someone else?
Well, the story is still growing and I have no specific plans for the whole thing (1 map is completely finished), every creative idea is welcome (although we can't realize every creative idea

) so you don't get a list of things you have to do but a "quest" like "Design the basement part" so you can be creative and bring your own "signature" in the CS.
Thanks for ya help,