Dear Diary,
It is funny that I am only one posting in this thread, when there is only 1 day left till release...
But I blame nobody, because after all, I refuse to give much media. After all, this way they are prepared to see this awesomeness themselves...
Oh diary, credits just rolled from bottom to top and I am happy to say that this Custom story is FINISHED!!!
It probably contains plenty of annoying bugs what I must face the day after release and day before the release.
For now I need to contact my beta testers, let them play through and report any bugs they happen to meet. I, myself must do some bug fixes what I have already met. There are few small bugs, fixing those will be piece of cake... But there is one and really annoying bug. Makes me want to throw up... But I have idea how to fix it. I will deal with this today, on the last day of development.
Oh, dear god... I am so excited. I never expected it to be so awesome and unique (imo). Tomorrow I also gonna do speedrun with timer. I need to know how much lenght it takes when I know every puzzle and detail, skipping all the pointless stuff where others might to go... This way I can get pretty much fastest possible playthrough (Its not competition xD).
Oh diary, I hope that soon I can create new topic into showcase and I truly hope I am not only poster over there

Take care diary, under my pillow!