I think I will try and look into that - I looked up
gameloop and it seems like it will be interesting to try

. I actually got into modding with GTA San Andreas - I know that it is simple using the mod programs but driving around in the Warthog from Halo was worth it. It was a pain once I actually got the Warthog into the game when I got into it the game would crash :'( and I was stupid and did not back up the original files so I had to do a fresh install. I would love to see the next game from Frictional Games using dx11 - I recently played Saints Row: The Third which was the bomb great graphics and a good story line too

. My point I would like to see one crysis 2 level graphics in the next game - I am not a developer and I know it would be extraordinarily hard to do but it is just a thought

. Any way to conclude this long reply that you may or may not be getting sick of reading I am looking into this guide (of sorts):
https://sites.google.com/site/vidyadevresources/ (thanks Khyrpa

). I hope to hear (or read) from you guys again soon.
@Elven like simple mods such as replacing objects with my own custom ones and things like that?