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Going Boom
cquinn6972 Offline
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Going Boom

I have placed the tnt, fuse and the lighter...how far should I run to keep from being blown up? I ran around the corner, also behind the boxes. I keep dying. I have a laser mouse and it is hard to run. I try pressing W and LeftShift. Before I get very far BOOM!!! Dead!!! Any help would be appreciated.
08-08-2007, 03:38 AM
Yuhaney Offline
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RE: Going Boom

It should work if you run around the corner. Or run as far as you can.

08-08-2007, 08:42 AM
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RE: Going Boom

it has nothing to do with your mouse Smile
why is it hard to run for you?

[Image: elfenliednx4.jpg]
08-08-2007, 10:33 AM
cquinn6972 Offline
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RE: Going Boom

Well, when I move the mouse sometimes the arrow spins wildly around the screen. I tried to check if it is too sensitive. It just isn't as easy to control. I'll try to turn left and the next thing you know I'm in a tail spin and ended up in another direction. My hubby has a top ball mouse. Would that work better?
Running = W + LeftShift ???? Do you hold down constantly? I did run around the corner but then boom, red framed my screen and then I died. The boxes didn't work either. By the time I light the fuse and try to turn and flee, I get as far as just around the corner... BOOM!!! That is all she wrote.
08-08-2007, 08:33 PM
Linux.Blue Offline
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RE: Going Boom

those marble mice are great. I bought one years ago, and never thought of trying anything else. I love them on games, working on the computer, everything.
08-08-2007, 09:43 PM
Kedjane Offline
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RE: Going Boom

The arrow spins wildly across the screen? I hope you're not using interact mode!
I just turned around (Having quite high sensitivity, but it's all ok with me) and ran. If you can't turn around, just hit S to walk backwards (Moonwalk for the world!).

Worst regards, Kejdane.
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08-13-2007, 07:43 PM

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