I have been working on a custom story for a while now, and eberything has been going fine, and the .lang file has been working perfectly. Then one day all of a sudden it doesn't work anymore. The only thing that's working is the description, and I have no idea why...
Here's my extra_english.lang:
<CATEGORY Name="CustomStoryMain">
<Entry Name="Description">You're Simon, a man living in England. The year is 1846.
A few weeks ago you met three women, wich all seemed very beautiful and charming. One of them though,
somehow seemed a little bit strange. As you found out later her name was Constantine.
Suddenly you wake up in an unknown place, and you can't remember a thing. Not how yougot there,
and nor what happened that night on the resturant with Caroline, the most beautiful of the three women.
<CATEGORY Name="Journal">
<Entry Name="Note_NoteFirst_Name">Dear Simon</Entry>
<Entry Name="Note_NoteFirst_Text">My dear Simon, oh my dear Simon. My precious, my beautiful, my beloved Simon.
Tell me, where did I go so wrong? What could i possibly have done to trigger this deviation.
Oh dear Simon, haven't I shown patience? It's not fair how a good woman is condemned to a suffer much worse
than any torture in the world. I may not be as talented as Elizabet, or as beautiful as
Caroline, and I may not be able to offer you everything they can. But I have so much else to give,
so much else to give, so much that they would ever even be close to giving you. Are you really so blind
that you can't see through their diguises, see what they really are? Can't you taste the bitterness in those
rotten women? But now my dear, it is too late. I understand you don't want anything to do with me, so I shall
let you spend the rest of your days with your beloved neat women, and I shall also make sure they become as blind
as you have, and they shall never be able to taste your bitterness again. I loved you Simon, but it is too late now.
<CATEGORY Name="Inventory">
<Entry Name="ItemDesc_NeedleUnlock_1">A hollow needle used for pencils.</Entry>
<Entry Name="ItemName_NeedleUnlock_1">Hollow Needle</Entry>
Without the ""'s ofcourse
Please help, it's really annoying..