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Model Editor Help monster rigs
FlaW Offline
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monster rigs

Hello everyone.
I made a skeleton for the monster in Maya, and when you export the model maya warning:
1. reading or writing file

While reading or writing a file the following notifications have been raised.
Warning: Null not supported by COLLADA. Node Character1_Reference will lose its geometric information. The node transforms will be saved.
Warning: Null not supported by COLLADA. Node ikHandle1 will lose its geometric information.The node transforms will be saved.
Warning: Null not supported by COLLADA. Node ikHandle2 will lose its geometric information.The node transforms will be saved.
2. constraints export failed

The scene contains constraints. Activate the Export constraints or Bake Animation options before exporting.

no animation, nothing but a skeleton, I no longer do

a model editor crash with errors:
Spoiler below!

Current Memory Load: 89
Total Physical Memory: 2146820096 bytes
Available Physical Memory: 232460288 bytes
Total Virtual Memory: 2147352576 bytes
Available Virtual Memory: 1904742400 bytes
EAX = 8C000000 EBX = 00000000 ECX = 8C000000 EDX = 41DF04DE ESI = 8C000000
EDI = 099A7BD0 EBP = 0012FFEC ESP = 0012FFDC EIP = 77B237C8 FLG = 00210206
CS = 001B DS = 0023 SS = 0023 ES = 0023 FS = 003B GS = 0000
EAX = 8C000000 EBX = 00000000 ECX = 8C000000 EDX = 41DF04DE ESI = 8C000000
EDI = 099A7BD0 EBP = 0012FFEC ESP = 0012FFDC EIP = 77B237C8 FLG = 00210206
CS = 001B DS = 0023 SS = 0023 ES = 0023 FS = 003B GS = 0000
001B: 004E0A66 MODELE ~ 1.EXE, hpl:: cBone:: UpdateMatrix () +0006 byte (s), d: \ hpl_2 \ core \ sources \ graphics \ bone.cpp, line 0122
001B: 004E0A58 MODELE ~ 1.EXE, hpl:: cBone:: GetWorldTransform () +0008 byte (s), d: \ hpl_2 \ core \ sources \ graphics \ bone.cpp, line 0082
001B: 004CE900 MODELE ~ 1.EXE, hpl:: cMesh:: CompileBonesAndSubMeshes () +0240 byte (s), d: \ hpl_2 \ core \ sources \ graphics \ mesh.cpp, line 0244 +0007 byte (s)
001B: 00549B9A MODELE ~ 1.EXE, hpl:: cMeshLoaderCollada:: LoadMesh () +6394 byte (s), d: \ hpl_2 \ core \ sources \ impl \ meshloadercollada.cpp, line 0577
001B: 005165AC MODELE ~ 1.EXE, hpl:: cMeshLoaderHandler:: LoadMesh () +0028 byte (s), d: \ hpl_2 \ core \ sources \ resources \ meshloaderhandler.cpp, line 0044 +0013 byte (s)
001B: 004CF037 MODELE ~ 1.EXE, hpl:: cMeshManager:: CreateMesh () +0471 byte (s), d: \ hpl_2 \ core \ sources \ resources \ meshmanager.cpp, line 0101 +0024 byte (s)
001B: 00475E3A MODELE ~ 1.EXE, cModelEditorActionMeshLoad:: cModelEditorActionMeshLoad () +0650 byte (s), d: \ hpl_2 \ tools \ editors \ modeleditor \ modeleditoractions.cpp, line 0024 +0012 byte (s)
001B: 0047344E MODELE ~ 1.EXE, cModelEditor:: MeshImport_Callback () +0382 byte (s), d: \ hpl_2 \ tools \ editors \ modeleditor \ modeleditor.cpp, line 0464 +0048 byte (s)
001B: 00,473,523 MODELE ~ 1.EXE, cModelEditor:: MeshImport_Callback_static_gui () +0019 byte (s), d: \ hpl_2 \ tools \ editors \ modeleditor \ modeleditor.cpp, line 0474 +0019 byte (s)
001B: 004E9DC7 MODELE ~ 1.EXE, hpl:: cGuiPopUpFilePicker:: ClosePopUp () +0167 byte (s), d: \ hpl_2 \ core \ sources \ gui \ guipopupfilepicker.cpp, line 0526 +0019 byte (s)
001B: 004EAAEB MODELE ~ 1.EXE, hpl:: cGuiPopUpFilePicker:: Button_Pressed () +1291 byte (s), d: \ hpl_2 \ core \ sources \ gui \ guipopupfilepicker.cpp, line 0162
001B: 004EABD1 MODELE ~ 1.EXE, hpl:: cGuiPopUpFilePicker:: FileList_OnSelectionDblClick () +0129 byte (s), d: \ hpl_2 \ core \ sources \ gui \ guipopupfilepicker.cpp, line 0239
001B: 004EAC13 MODELE ~ 1.EXE, hpl:: cGuiPopUpFilePicker:: FileList_OnSelectionDblClick_static_gui () +0019 byte (s), d: \ hpl_2 \ core \ sources \ gui \ guipopupfilepicker.cpp, line 0241 +0019 byte (s)
001B: 004B257D MODELE ~ 1.EXE, hpl:: iWidget:: ProcessCallbacks () +0061 byte (s), d: \ hpl_2 \ core \ sources \ gui \ widget.cpp, line 0758 +0013 byte (s)
001B: 004B2717 MODELE ~ 1.EXE, hpl:: iWidget:: ProcessMessage () +0375 byte (s), d: \ hpl_2 \ core \ sources \ gui \ widget.cpp, line 0197 +0013 byte (s)
001B: 004D2912 MODELE ~ 1.EXE, hpl:: iWidgetListBoxBase:: OnMouseDoubleClick () +0130 byte (s), d: \ hpl_2 \ core \ sources \ gui \ widgetlistboxbase.cpp, line 0423 +0024 byte (s)
001B: 004B26AE MODELE ~ 1.EXE, hpl:: iWidget:: ProcessMessage () +0270 byte (s), d: \ hpl_2 \ core \ sources \ gui \ widget.cpp, line 0185 +0012 byte (s)
001B: 0048E2A4 MODELE ~ 1.EXE, hpl:: cGuiSet:: OnMouseDoubleClick () +0164 byte (s), d: \ hpl_2 \ core \ sources \ gui \ guiset.cpp, line 1893 +0018 byte (s)
001B: 00491F23 MODELE ~ 1.EXE, hpl:: cGuiSet:: SendMessage () +0099 byte (s), d: \ hpl_2 \ core \ sources \ gui \ guiset.cpp, line 0387 +0012 byte (s)
001B: 004A97CD MODELE ~ 1.EXE, hpl:: cGui:: SendMouseDoubleClick () +0045 byte (s), d: \ hpl_2 \ core \ sources \ gui \ gui.cpp, line 0545
001B: 00405BBE MODELE ~ 1.EXE, iEditorBase:: Update () +0414 byte (s), d: \ hpl_2 \ tools \ editors \ common \ editorbaseclasses.cpp, line 1226
001B: 004B95E7 MODELE ~ 1.EXE, hpl:: iUpdateable:: RunMessage () +0071 byte (s), d: \ hpl_2 \ core \ include \ engine \ updateable.h, line 0074
001B: 004B998B MODELE ~ 1.EXE, hpl:: cUpdater:: RunMessage () +0299 byte (s), d: \ hpl_2 \ core \ sources \ engine \ updater.cpp, line 0107
001B: 0048C0E2 MODELE ~ 1.EXE, hpl:: cEngine:: Run () +0242 byte (s), d: \ hpl_2 \ core \ sources \ engine \ engine.cpp, line 0412
001B: 00,476,407 MODELE ~ 1.EXE, hplMain () +0119 byte (s), d: \ hpl_2 \ tools \ editors \ modeleditor \ modeleditormain.cpp, line 0028
001B: 004A446D MODELE ~ 1.EXE, WinMain () +0029 byte (s), d: \ hpl_2 \ core \ sources \ impl \ lowlevelsystemsdl.cpp, line 0052 +0029 byte (s)
001B: 0057DFC8 MODELE ~ 1.EXE, WinMainCRTStartup () +0389 byte (s), f: \ vs70builds \ 3077 \ vc \ crtbld \ crt \ src \ crtexe.c, line 0390 +0027 byte (s)
001B: 769BED6C kernel32.dll, BaseThreadInitThunk () +0018 byte (s)
001B: 77B237F5 ntdll.dll, RtlInitializeExceptionChain () +0239 byte (s)
001B: 77B237C8 ntdll.dll, RtlInitializeExceptionChain () +0194 byte (s)
Thanks for earlier.
p.s sorry if this is dumb question, I'm not a pro in English and in modelling just learning
01-27-2012, 03:11 AM
Statyk Offline
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RE: monster rigs

You need the OpenCollada plugin:

As well as that Maya needs to be 2011 or lower. Maya 2012 does not support OpenCollada.

Once the plugin is installed, go to "Window > Settings/preferences > Plug-in Manager > MayaCOLLADA" and check both boxes next to it. when exporting, pick the OpenCollada in the File extension dropbox.

Not exactly sure what "constraints" are though =\
(This post was last modified: 01-27-2012, 04:11 AM by Statyk.)
01-27-2012, 04:10 AM
FlaW Offline
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RE: monster rigs

I had maya 2012, probably in this trouble.
Thank you. have finished, if not work, im write
(This post was last modified: 01-27-2012, 05:40 PM by FlaW.)
01-27-2012, 05:36 PM
FlaW Offline
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RE: monster rigs

does not work ,make the same mistakes Sad Sad Sad Sad
01-27-2012, 11:46 PM
MrBigzy Offline
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RE: monster rigs

If you're using constraints to animate your model or do anything else, I'm pretty sure they're not supported by HPL2. As the warning says, you could try to bake them into animations, but I have a feeling that won't work.

To fix the other issues, my guess is you have to "delete history" on the model before exporting.

Also, it looks like you're using IK as well. I'm not sure if HPL2 supports IK and FK or not, so you might want to try removing them if the model still doesn't export properly.
01-28-2012, 04:36 AM
FlaW Offline
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RE: monster rigs

Thanks . I gonna try.
not to create a new topic, I'll write here.
does anyone know, what's the problem:
In maya:

.jpg   Без имени-1.jpg (Size: 202.59 KB / Downloads: 211)

In model editor:

.jpg   Без имени-2.jpg (Size: 198.52 KB / Downloads: 206)

Undecided Sad Huh
01-28-2012, 01:29 PM
MrBigzy Offline
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RE: monster rigs

That's a simple fix, you just have to triangulate the model. HPL2 only recognizes triangles, not quads.
01-28-2012, 02:42 PM
Statyk Offline
Schrödinger's Mod

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RE: monster rigs

What MrBigzy said =] great model by the way!
01-28-2012, 05:12 PM
FlaW Offline
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RE: monster rigs

Quote:If you're using constraints to animate your model or do anything else, I'm pretty sure they're not supported by HPL2. As the warning says, you could try to bake them into animations, but I have a feeling that won't work.

To fix the other issues, my guess is you have to "delete history" on the model before exporting.

Also, it looks like you're using IK as well. I'm not sure if HPL2 supports IK and FK or not, so you might want to try removing them if the model still doesn't export properly.
maya does not give errors, but the model editor gave a new error:
MODELE~1.EXE caused an EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION in module ntdll.dll at blablabla, wcsnimp()+3350byte(s) Huh Huh
(This post was last modified: 01-29-2012, 11:53 PM by FlaW.)
01-29-2012, 11:51 PM
MrBigzy Offline
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RE: monster rigs

Those errors are for code debugging for the devs only.

Open up modeleditor.log and post it, it should be located in My Documents/HPL2 (or some equivalent of that).
01-30-2012, 05:06 AM

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