- No map_cache files. We're off to a good start!
- Title is incredibly imaginative.

- PlayerStartArea was too high, and I was dropped into the map. Should scale/move it down.
- No introductory sequence. Not needed, but usually nice.
- At this point I don't have a lantern. It would be nice to see things. Include a low-light boxlight so it's still possible to see without the lantern.
- With Castlebase (Cellarbase ESPECIALLLY) you'll want to put welders between your wall segments as they have a visible seam. Take a look and you'll see what I mean.
- Hmph. Fuck you too, closet. I don't need your keys anyways.
- Unfortunately, your jump scares have eliminated atmosphere for me, so the moan after going to the door didn't have any effect. The goal is to build suspense.
- Why hello, Brute. You caused me to lean back in my chair.
- Well I just got the crap kicked out of me. Here's a tip, don't make the monsters spawn in front of the player. Make it seem as though they came from somewhere. Same as if they leave. If they go into a room, I expect them to have left it if they're not there anymore. Things don't just disappear in real life.
- "That dream fealt so real." I imagine you meant "felt"
- A boxlight! Hurrah! And you even made the stool holding the candle static too!
- Some texture clipping by your closet there. Try to remove all clipping. It ruins immersiveness. If you need something to be somewhere, change it's coordinates by 0.001.
- As the sources of light are still limited to the torches, you may want to change the boxlight or remove sanity drain. Player sanity drops when the light source is 0.15 or below.
- Heh. The blood makes a #1.
- There be mischievous little elves in my house!
- Some of your pointlights bleed through your walls. This is undesirable.
- Chest with light. Jumpscare detected.
- Or not.
- Ooh, a key.
- Oh..You didn't name it. Name keys in the future. Makes it far less sloppy-looking.
- Stairwelders need to be used at the bottom of the Mansionbase stairs at all times, unless the rails go into a wall.
- Through the Leveldoor!
- Dropped again. Move position down.
- This room is eerie. No idea why it's in my house.
- Oh. Pewdie stuff. I have little more to say on the matter.
- Falling through the hole now.
- Ah, fuck. Mazes.
- A boxlight would be handy. Still no lantern.
- Generic Jumpscare.
- Generic Armorscare. Which I was forced to look at. If you want the player to notice something, do it subtly.
- Had to cheat to find your bonesaw. And to put the water on the desk. I saw no reason not to just splash the water on the hammer.
- Oh, so NOW I can use the water on the hammer. Wonder what made the difference.
- Had to look at your script to figure out what I was actually supposed to do. There was no indication at all.