(10-06-2012, 04:43 AM)Kman Wrote: IM JUST GONNA SHORTEN THIS SHIT
I'm sure they're just there for decoration.
If the devs of Cry of Fear used the engine used for this then the game would be ... You get the point.
"You enter a map, a monster at the end of the hall goes "EEERRUUUHRUWUWRU" and then runs at you, and then you shoot at it a bunch. And then repeat that, for like the entire game"
Please explain more...
"on top of that, the story's almost non-existent for all of it but the last 10 minutes."
Play the game a second time, This is probably why you don't think of it as good as others think.
This is probably a FIRST for it.
This was released on the first day modding SDK came out, this isn't a PewdiePie map from what I remember. Only haters would use a first against something on the internet.