Hello Visitor! Maybe some of you have played Better Go Alone PART 1! (if not heres the link: Better Go Alone ) It was very short and youll wont be missing out very much. As since its an totally different character then Last time cause (small spoiler) he died at the very end, but very weird too. I have got no normal explanation for that but his sanity, he killed himself without him knowing and the second before dying. And the end is what he saw.
Now, for the story line, You are Guarasti, you are in 1896. You are overchosen for your friend to him to go Alone, Ben, who previously died. You'll find weird stuff and jumpscares, you also have to complete puzzles and other things to go trough all the levels, you'll get actual Sanity ingame (not like the previous one where you always had your sanity on the right level). Well thats pretty much it.
I will make an trailer when it's the right time and i have no exact release date, the trailer will involve no spoilers so you can watch it pretty much without worrying. It will just showcase trough some levels and some places in the dark.
Mapping: 100%
Scripting: 70%
Voices/Sounds: 53%
Story: 30%
Fun and Jumpscares: 9000.001% (lol jk 100%)
Please note that this is my second and the it's not the best. Maybe my next Custom Story will have some weird and funny things, and maybe ponies

Sorry for pony haters
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