{Progress Thread} ~ Claudia's Mind
My first custom story.
Purpose: This is my first custom story and the purpose of making this is to challenge myself and get better at mainly scripting but also english grammar and billboards. It may not be as unique as White Night or Dark Room but I will do my best to make it something to enjoy playing.
Beware: This is my first custom story and it might have some flaws and secondly english is not my motherlanguage so I apologise if there is some grammatical errors somewhere in this text!
Story: You wont be getting much backstory of who you are and how you have lived. You only know your name is Jacob and you have arrived to this castle to investigate the mystery of the ghost who still haunts the castle. You are orginially from Chaplin Village, a small town close to the castle. You will create your own present by not knowing your past.
There are a lot of unresolved mysteries that you come across while walking in the abandoned corridors. One of those are when you start to feel a strange familiarity toward the ghost. What is actually the story of this ghost named Claudia? Will you be able to handle the tragedy inside of Claudia's mind or will you fall into the abyss?
Story: The story in general is now almost done, though I still need to write some more letters and researches.
Maps: Currently 5 maps. A few more to go.
Level editor: Trying to make a unique enviroment with the orginial stuff, perhaps some other models from amazing modcreators aswell!
Script: Working as hard as I can with the scripting.
Demo: Testers is definitely needed. A lot of people have been asking for a demo, so I may consider it.
Time taken(current state): Currently about 2 months (need to take some time off sometimes because of exams).
I would really appreciate some constructive criticism about anything: the design, screenshots, story, idea and so on.
If you would like to test the thing out later on please send me pm and I will let you know when that time comes!