Okay, so I got the Level Editor to be working(I just had to update my graphics card)
^ I have been following the tutorial above.
I have done everything correct except for the last few parts.
( don't mind the numbers eg,1. 2. 3.)
- In user_settings.cfg, inside the Map element set Folder=”“ to the root folder for your maps (eg Folder=“MyMaps/”), this folder MUST be located inside the maps folder in the game directory (where you put the tools).
- In user_settings.cfg, inside the Map element set File=”“ to point to the map you want to load (eg File=“my_map.map”).
- In order to avoid running into “File index out of bounds” errors when designing your custom story in the level editor, edit the file resources.cfg located in the root the directory of Amnesia (i.e. where Amnesia is installed) and add the custom_stories directory to the list.
^ that is the part that confuses me.
starting from the first part above, i'm not sure exactly what to put in.
even though i have tried, whenever i test it out, the game crashes and gets an Error.
any help?