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Lever on a raising doorway
Damascus Offline
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Lever on a raising doorway

Question number 305:

I'm trying to connect a lever to a wooden sliding door from Justine, one that will become active after solving a few puzzles, much like Justine. For the life of me, I can't figure out how to even make the lever open the door in the first place. I had this same issue with a secret door in my last map that I still haven't resolved.

I took a look at the script for the existing Justine puzzle, but to me, it's just a confusing jumble of code I don't understand. I parsed out the code I thought would let me just open the door with the lever, and obviously it isn't working. Are there any suggestions anyone can give me to alter this script, or just to make a new one?

Spoiler below!
const int kLever_Open = -1;
const int kLever_Close = 1;

enum eDoorState

void SetDoorState(string &in asDoorName, eDoorState aState)
SetLocalVarInt(asDoorName+"_state", aState);


bool LeverHelper_Open(string &in asLeverName, int alSlideDoorNum, int alState)
if(alState!=kLever_Open) return false;

string sDoorName = "wooden_slide_door_"+alSlideDoorNum;

SetLeverStuckState(asLeverName, alState, true);
SetMoveObjectState(sDoorName, 1.0f);
SetEntityActive("Area_PassedDoor_"+alSlideDoorNum, true);

SetDoorState(sDoorName, eDoorState_Open);

return true;

void PuzzleSlideDoor02_LeverPulled(string &in asEntityName, int alState)
LeverHelper_Open(asEntityName, 2, alState);

Edit: Found a simple script to fix it.

(This post was last modified: 03-13-2012, 12:32 AM by Damascus.)
03-12-2012, 07:41 AM

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