(05-26-2012, 03:49 PM)mrscoomich Wrote: SPOILER:
After pulling the 6 levers, I ran past a couple doors with a straight direction. I got to the dead end, and it deactivated my player so I couldn't move. I waited a couple seconds but nothing was happening. It was just staring at the wall. I waited a little longer, and still nothing has happened. Is the game finished and it just didn't take me to the credits ?
By the way! I LOVED you're custom story. It was better than I expected. I really loved the atmosphere and it was pretty scary. It's been a while since this game ever scared me(in other Custom Stories, and Story Mode) as much as this custom story did. I was afraid to move but I ran for my life. It kept me alert. Haha
Good job!
I have yet to fix that stupid bug -.- the patch I released fixed it for some people, however, I'm betting it was just luck that made it work.
HOWEVER, after receiving a message from someone on the ModDB site, he gave me an idea that should let me fix the bug once and for all! So I have to work on that and release an "updated" emergency patch on the ModDB site.
And thank you

I'm surprised people are telling me it's really good and/or the "best" they've played in a while.