Yeah, I know, I have a feeling that this cliche topic has been brought up many a time before, but I just finished Penumbra and I want to talk about scaryness. Sue me
Anyway, for me it was the part when you first go into the radio room and you hear that freaky sound coming over the radio. Jesus that had me on edge. It even looked like the radio had a face, and I had the oddest, terrible feeling that somehow the radio was freaking
alive and trying to talk to me. Often when I read Phillips descriptive narration it feels strange, since when he describes his feelings it doesn't match up to how I feel. (Ie Red's death.) But when he said "For some reason I really don't like the sound coming out of that radio" I was like "Yeah, I'm totally with you there, buddy"
Imo it was this kind of subtle creepyness that really gave Penumbra its scares, and no yellow-eyed dog or giant worm really did that too well. I can only hope that Black Plague will step up this kind of creepyness, since I haven't been this freaked out (in a good way) since Thief.
P.S. By the way, Frictional devs, was it intentional to have the radio look sorta like a face, or was that all in my head? I'm guessing it was, but I cant be sure. Just curious