(04-08-2012, 12:02 PM)CaLiBeR JR Wrote:
Im so confused im making a Custom Story but i cant test it out Its dosent come up in my list Any help heres my Custom Story Folder Message If you want more Info about whats inside them Files + i got steam
It could depend on what's in the "Custom_Story_Settings" file, but it could also be that the game is case-sensitive about the file name, and that you should rename it to "custom_story_settings.cfg" instead. Also, the user YourComputer had it not show up in his list despite everything being okay, and he just reloaded the game and it worked, so that might help too.
Wait a minute: Is that file "TheAwakaning" supposed to be the map file? If so, that file is supposed to be in the "maps\" folder, and have the extension ".map".
You should also note that it's spelled "awak