(04-17-2012, 08:10 PM)Alarba Wrote: I was wondering, is there any custom story whose main character is from the future? If there isn't, is anyone planning to do one? I know it sounds silly but something amongst the lines of : " The year is 2162, you are sent by a special task group to retrieve a special artifact capable of changing the world you live in. By mistake, you are sent to an alternate past where such artifact was never conceived..... and you are about to find out why. "
Im going to work on a FC called HELL which is similar to doom 3 (yup your in future not going back to old castles) except that your not on mars but sent through the portal to save the humanity by closing the portal from the demons (new monsters)
But currently im working on Pyramid Head and The Pig From Saw
Chech it out here
and vote if you want to

I will propably change the hand model (some marine-ish style with small flashlight attached to it)
As ive changed the textures for my main protagonist to african american in S.C.A.R.E another FC im working on....