(04-18-2012, 10:30 PM)LulleBulle Wrote: 1. How do I put a song through the entire story and which one is the Amnesia main one?
2. how do I create the effect that you like lie down on the floor?
3. How do I create the blue puzzle effect & sound?
4. how do I do "focus level door" text? Tried following instructions in level editor, failed.
I'll try and answer what I can.
1. If you have a .ogg file of the music and a .snt file for it you can just put the sound in each map right in level editor.
2. The lying down on the floor is when you trigger complete insanity I think, although I'm not sure how. If you open someone elses story and look at their script you can find out from there. You probably just give 100 sanity damage though.
3. That effect is when you return the sanity of the player. Which is simply:
4. Do you mean have text show up when you look at the door? If so:
SetEntityPlayerLookAtCallback(string& asName,
string& asCallback, bool abRemoveWhenLookedAt);
then as the function you would put:
string& asCallback(void MyFunc(string &in asEntity, int alState)
SetMessage(string& asTextCategory, string& asTextEntry, float afTime);
hopefully this was at least a little helpful

im kinda new at this too haha