(05-26-2012, 10:15 AM)Unearthlybrutal Wrote: A couple of Bicycle decks that I'm going to use in my next tricks.
- Normal Bridge decks (2 red)
- Shadow Masters
- Alchemy 1997 England
And my next tricks will be with much better quality 
Well, whodathunk! A fellow card enthusist/magician here on FG, and he likes guitar/metal; I think we'll get along just fine! Pretty interesting, but I'm not sure how likely they are to win something from MisMag822; it would seem quite a few capable magicians enter those, who knows how many times I've tried.
Anyways, I always found small card packet tricks more difficult to work with (especially for doing DL's). You also have the 3 card Monte move down quite well. I'd highly recommend getting the normal "masters" decks (same design as standard bicycle red/blue on a slightly thicker stock and they have a better finish, handle just as well as the shadow masters without people being able to tell its not a normal deck).
Check out "Jay Sankey" one of the best I've seen, tons of new original stuff; he's also pretty funny.
I rate it 3 memes.