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Work in progress Enraptured (WT)
graykin Offline
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Enraptured (WT)

This is my monthly report.

Library operations as a whole remain the same as usual. There has
been a slight reduction in circulation this month: 389 books have
been checked-out and 412 have been checked-in, with 11 of those being
over a week late. For the 42 that remain missing, reminders have been
mailed to their respective addresses. Reduction in circulation
attributed to normal fluctuations.

Things have been running smoothly, with the exception of Laurence’s
dismissal for repetitive tardiness from work. Ads have been placed in
the local paper for a replacement clerk, and interviews have
commenced with several hopefuls. Assistant Director Margaret has been
performing these duties in my stead, for personal reasons.

Speaking of which, I wish to relay a message to you, my superiors, of
some troubling occurrences. I have not heard a single word for
several months from any of the High Rectors of the Order of the Red
Crucifix. This is unprecedented for my 4-year tenure here as Library
Director. No one with any authority has requested permission to view
the Restricted Section, and I have not even heard from any of the
choir boys from the Red Church of Christ.

By itself, I would not be concerned, but I must speak of something
else. I have had trouble sleeping for some time now, for my dreams
show me nothing but devastation. Every night for the past 3 months, I
have had visions of God descending from Heaven, warning me of some
impending catastrophe. The world beyond His corporeal form was bathed
in fire, and the screams of the damned rung all around me, as the
seas boiled away to steam. I begged Him to tell me what it is that
created such horrors, but He never responded, only telling me to find
the source of this evil before all is lost.

My teachers always told me to ignore my dreams, for only the High
Rectors and the Prophets receive visions from the Higher Powers. But
this cannot be any normal dream, and I must admit the visions terrify
me greatly. I am currently unguided, and feel lost without the
soothing hand of High Rector Peterson. Where could he have possibly
gone for so long without informing me?

I will wait another two weeks for any kind of response. In the meantime, I will attempt to block these
visions with meditation before I sleep. If no word comes to me, I
shall have no choice but find the root of these visions and put a
stop to them. I pray I am not too late, and I pray that no harm has
come to the Order.

Library operations will continue as
usual. These visions will not stop me from doing what is required of
me at the moment.

I hope this reaches you well,

Alex Miller, Library Director of St. Abigail Library, Netherton City.
May 30th 1869

More information to come soon...

05-17-2012, 04:38 AM
Kman Offline
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RE: Enraptured (WT)

I am quite excite!

Posting Freak
05-17-2012, 05:13 AM
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Adrianis Offline
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RE: Enraptured (WT)

Nice introduction dude, real nice
05-17-2012, 02:31 PM

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