(05-31-2012, 06:26 PM)Imevil23 Wrote: So, I have over 100 videos on my channel, yet barely any views. I'm wondering if anyone has any tips for me to help get it noticed. I already have a video thread on this forum (Which you can find here: http://www.frictionalgames.com/forum/thread-12705.html)
I know I'm not going to get like 1'000 views in one night or any of that, I just want some tips to help with me sort of advertise and how to make my videos interesting.
-Be yourself
-Do something that sets you apart from the hundreds (maybe thousands) of other LP'ers. (Just don't start screaming at inanimate objects

-DO NOT copy anyone else
-Upload content regularly
-You can do what the "What's What" guy did and put advertisements on every major YouTube channel. (If you've never seen him, check him out, Hilarious!)
-Most importantly, make videos people actually want to watch, if it's not entertaining, generally people won't waste their time on it.
I rate it 3 memes.