Hey all,
Long time lurker, big fan of Penumbra and Amnesia. I thought some of you might be fans of the Gabriel Knight pc adventure games, designed by Jane Jensen. She has a new project called Moebius which will be a point and click adventure with her brilliant blend of puzzle solving, engaging story, and scientific + supernatural elements.
This is a kickstarter project. As of my post there are about 17 hours left in the campaign. We are funded but are hoping to reach the stretch goals of $400k (likely) and $450k (possible but unlikely). Just about $7000 from $400k, but we need your help!
Frictional Games' own Mikael had this to say about Jane on her recent reddit AMA:
http://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/tl...ay/c4nkw95Quote: Just wanted to say thank
you for all the great games. Gabriel Knight: SotF was probably the first
game I played when I realized games could not only be just as immersive
and important as novels or movies, but that the interaction could take
storytelling to a whole new level.
- Mikael Hedberg, writer at Frictional Games
Jane has had a huge influence on horror and suspense writing in adventure games, with her first GK game being a pioneer in adult storytelling.
If you're interested please see the kickstarter page for more information!
And here's a piece of concept art for Moebius!