Finished Overture a couple of days ago, I'm really looking forward to the Black Plague release! In fact, Frictional should start working on a third episode right now!
Great story, great gameplay, but the replayability is low, we need new material. Frictional should consider releasing their SDK (for multiple platforms, of course, do NOT exclude the Linux community, we like making content too) so we can download and play custom content while waiting for more official episodes.
So impatient... Considering the number of titles released on Linux I'd say that a large portion of the Penumbra players are on Linux (or possibly Mac?). Any statistics? Turns out that more than 50% of the <another great game recently released for Linux, but I won't mention it by name> PC players are running it from Linux. When ever a triple-A title is released for Linux a lot of Linux-fans swarm to pick it up AND pay for it to support vendors in their quest to loosen Microsoft's death-grip on the PC gaming industry.
Epic officially stated that a Linux version of UT3 might be in the box. Then they said it would be delayed. Now it has been demoted to "a pet project". The story is that there was a licensing issue, but Microsoft bought their engine for X-Box 360, the cynics claim they sold out their loyal Linux-using fans to please their new masters. They suck and blow either way! I bought the game and now I can't play it.
I sure hope Frictional are not having any seconds thoughts about their Linux ports and that the executives do not sell out the loyal fans like that, regardless of what cash you might be getting, hurting your fans can never be a good thing in the long run.
Oh, I also like the fact that I can buy it cheaper online, almost makes me want to buy it twice. Almost...

How about that release date, hehe?