(07-24-2012, 08:13 PM)Hunter of Shadows Wrote: How about none of them, all of them are TERRIBLE WAYS TO DIE
And to everyone saying the Shadow would be painless and instant?
Remember that diary entry from the Machine Works? Haunted 3/3?
Quote:17th July 1839
How has this escaped me? They're all dead. Limbs scattered, heads split down the middle, their skin flayed as if boiled. I feel like I'm falling into myself. What's happening? Sir William Smith, professor Taylor and now doctor Tate. Is it following me? How can it not be? It's the damned thing I brought from Africa. Something is after me.
I have no choice but to trust the baron. He better know what he claims. If he is wrong, I suspect he'll regret it as well.
Yea, might want to re-evaluate that
And as for the brute killing you fast? It would have to hit you in certain parts of your anatomy, let's be realistic and not base this off of gameplay, it's a big 3-4 foot long blade, wielded by something with superhuman strength, but unless it strikes you in the heart, or cuts your head off...
It's not going to be quick, or even remotely painless, if that thing hits you say...in an area that ruptures a lung? That hurts like hell from what I understand, and if the gatherer's are as...mindless as they're made out to be, if the brute knows it's hit a vital spot, it may not bother to put you out of your misery
Food for thought 
@Shadow: I found that note quite strange. All the shadow did to Alexander was make him disintegrate, but it evidently didn't happen to any of its other victims. You do get to hear Daniel scream for a few seconds if you take Agrippa's ending and let the Shadow kill him, so I can imagine it isn't too pleasant either.
@Brute: In the prison, Daniel experiences a flashback of a Brute beating a man to death if you approach one of the locked doors. I think it understands "kill fast".