So, I finished A:TDD like one and a half year ago and I loved it. Now I want to get scared again, so which Penumbra game should I buy? Or should I buy both?
Current projects:
The Dark Prison 85 % (Stopped working on this one)
The first one sets up the story, but isn't nearly as scary as the second. (Although it does have its moments.) I'd recommend you buy both though, since the second one is a direct sequel to the first.
Penumbra is better than Amnesia, but most people will jsut recognize that when playing Penumbra first. Because this is why they look at every single detail Amnesia doesn't have.
The first Penumbra (Overture) is the best in my opinion. It's not scary like the second (Black Plague) but it is by far the better experience. More tricky physic puzzles, better part of story etc.
But you should definitely buy the Collection with all three Penumbras.
But be sure to play it in correct order:
1. Overture
2. Black Plague
3. Requiem
Don't pick up just the scariest. All three are scary and have only ONE story.