(08-30-2012, 04:10 PM)Axfoufa Wrote: hey guys,
does anyone have any idea about where to get a good server for minecraft, i 've
tryed one but it sucked some adviced me to try axelaris hosting ,i saw their
add on internet and it seemed cool! prices are cheap too
! any idea about this Hosting company plz.
First, traggey or whoever, please move this thread to the offtopic-forum, this has nothing to do with Amnesia.
Then, to your question. I remember, that Nitrado is a reliable hoster, which has a comfortable gui, or also full FTP-Access.
Never heard about your hoster, so I can't say anything to this.
edit: Sorry, it's a german hoster, as I just noticed. They wrote, that because of connections to Amsterdam and other big cities, you also have a nice international ping, but probably just in Europe. If you live in America, I'm sorry, then my advise is useless.
Working on a full conv.-mod, first pictures coming soon...
Working with Blender and other Stuff since 2009.
Using HPL-Engine since 2012 (learning..)