Hello everyone! Here in Spain is 1:16 A.M by the time I'm making this thread, but nothing stops me from making this:
So, I've bought Company of Heroes. It's like age of empires, an estrategical game where you have to combine your resources and units in order to gain victory.
I've been playing this story and I assure you: The price is worth it.
For those who work with maya, they already have the camara control learnt

In age of empires, it was a 2D screen, you know. You could scroll and such, but you never had different perspectives. In this game, you can see how the germans fly in the air for a mortar you've kindly shot to them. Or, you can see how tanks explode greatly and in a spectacular way, with smoke and fire and s**t.
By what I've done, the missions were greatly different: Sneaking and capturing, defending (damn it, I've killed 250 germans in a single mission) attacking (D-day) etc. You can controll tanks, putting mines, sand bags, wires, watching posts, etc. You can upgrade your units with flamethrowers, recoiless rifles, you can
steal the enemy weapons, and this is great as hell. You can see how the "Volksgrenadier" get a cover and try to destroy your outpost, but you say: "f**k you" and you send a sniper to kill them.
Basically: It's a breaking strategy game:
Where others have failed, CoH wins: This game has a realism when dealing with things that I love. For example, instead food, like Age of Empires, you use Manpower (population available) instead money,
ammo and
Of course, it has it's false things, but a game is never perfect.
When you put troopers inside a building, they appear in the windows and broken parts of the place, shooting, for example. Other games don't have that feature.
I highly reccomend you this game if you are a strategic game fan.
I'm going to get the expansions, of course. The "Opposing fronts" and "Tales of Valor".
I will edit this thread as soon as I remain more things.
I think I will give it a 9/10. Best strategic game that I've ever played.
And, as my signature says (or said, maybe I change it in a future)
"Trust me, I'm an engineer".