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Level Editor Help Setting up red lights
The chaser Offline
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Setting up red lights

Hello everyone!

Well, I've read an article about litting lamps an putting a connected light. Very useful, but here comes a question: How can I connect a point light with only red value when player crosses a script area? The article explains the extra light, but not how to make a one-value light.

Here's the article:

[Image: k6vbdhu]

Aculy iz dolan.
09-14-2012, 11:10 PM
Adny Offline
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RE: Setting up red lights

The FadeLightTo function:

FadeLightTo(string& asLightName, float afR, float afG, float afB, float afA, float afRadius, float afTime);

asLightName = name of the light in the editor
afR/G/B/A = number value for red, green, blue & alpha (same as in the level editor, don't exceed "1.0f")
afRadius = The radius (if you want to keep it the same, make sure it's the same value as in the editor)
afTime = the time in seconds for the change to occur.

Hope that helped.

I rate it 3 memes.
09-14-2012, 11:34 PM

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