Scraper Wrote:I took quote from one of the Threads in Black Plague forums:
Scraper Wrote:Why didn't you guys use this guy in Overture?
I think this Philip is better than the Overture's Philip.
jens Wrote:we were pisspoor during the development of overture and Tom the writer was bold enough to step up as a volunteer for doing the voice. during black plague development we were only half pisspoor so we could afford a voice actor 
Come to think of it, I would have liked, if Tom Jubbert reprised his prologue voice acting role in Black Plague as well. The newer voice actor for Phillip wasn't bad, but completely broke the continuity of the character from the first episode - I mean :
1. He sounded more American (Scandinavian ?) in accent, than British (as if the protagonist had changed his nationality or WTF)...
2. His voice also sounded a lot older, like if he was 40 or 50, while Philip is a young 30 year old bloke...
Those are my main two reasons for criticism. Don't want to offend anyone with them... :-)
"You... silly Billy !" (Clarence, Penumbra : Black Plague)