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CS Collaboration?
ynysdyn Offline
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Lightbulb  CS Collaboration?

EDIT: Having calmed my tits a bit and remembered that I'm not writing a resume (thanks again, Robosprog), here is the trimmed down version - hopefully my original wording is no longer to my discredit >_<

I am an amateur horror writer with some noteworthy success in the publishing industry and a very versatile background in terms of my own work and what I've read. I've been very impressed by many of the Amnesia mods I've seen, and would love the chance to make creative contributions to some of these projects.

I have link to my blog on my profile if you want to check out some small things I've written. I am also willing to upload bigger stories by request.

If you're looking for a talented writer/creative/voice actory to help drive or create your story, I'm your guy. Look forward to working with y'all, and thanks for having me.

Amnesia and its mods are some of the best games I've played/seen recently, and the modding community that has grown up around it is also one of the most imaginative. But even some of the best can be plagued by common issues.

That said, I'd love to be part of the next project that's a cut above the rest. I am a published writer with a handful of successes in horror venues (incredibly tough market, that!), and have wanted to put my skills to use on a Custom Story for Amnesia for a while.

Problem is... I have very little modding experience or skill whatsoever.

So I propose an unholy alliance of sorts; if you have some exceptional skill with modding this game and making something completely new, I would love to talk and work with you. If you've been wanting to work with someone who knew their way around a good, natural, and frightening story, I hope I can provide you with exactly what you're looking for.

Besides writing, I can also bring to the table a large selection of music/audio files we can use, and some skill with PhotoShop for developing concept art and ideas. Please let me know if you're interested in a collaborative project, one that will stick in people's minds for a long time to come!
(This post was last modified: 01-29-2013, 12:06 AM by ynysdyn.)
01-28-2013, 06:39 PM
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ynysdyn Offline
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RE: CS Collaboration?

I'm not looking for anything commercial here, only first-contact and something small to be done for the fun of it... I'm not claiming to be Stephen King here, I only want to hopefully give incentive that, if someone wants to work on a project, they can expect good work from me and I won't bail. I assume people are going to want to see stuff I've worked on, and I have that available as soon as someone asks for it.

I love writing. I think I'd really enjoy working with someone who enjoyed game development. I think it would be fun to do it in a casual setting. That is literally all I am saying here.

I don't know anybody who has experience modding a game like in my own immediate group of friends. I'm at a modding forum because (I'm assuming) this is where people congregate who do this for its own sake and because they have fun doing it and doing it well... That's all I'm looking for...
(This post was last modified: 01-28-2013, 07:32 PM by ynysdyn.)
01-28-2013, 07:28 PM
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Acies Offline
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RE: CS Collaboration?

I might be curious to join this, depending on project size. I'd also like to see something you have written :]

Edit: On another note it would be helpful to have a talented writer for my mod. http://www.moddb.com/mods/spacies

[Image: mZiYnxe.png]

(This post was last modified: 01-28-2013, 08:32 PM by Acies.)
01-28-2013, 08:31 PM
ynysdyn Offline
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RE: CS Collaboration?

I certainly understand the need to prove myself; and I'm sorry for using any language that made it seem like I'm looking for a "higher echelon" of people and snubbing the rest, nor did I intend to overstate my own credentials - I only mean that I am serious about doing something praiseworthy. Anyone else who feels that same, I think we should be able to get along. Thanks, Robosprog, for making me clarify that.

Acies, I'll definitely take a look at your project first; it would be good to see how I could contribute to someone else's working before taking the helm on anything of my own Smile

I'll post a few links to some of my work before too long. Here's a short piece I had go up recently: http://flashesinthedark.com/2012/08/05/f...e-enright/

EDIT: I just uploaded a sci-fi horror piece I wrote a couple years ago. No one's bought it yet, but I've won a some small awards for it. You can also find a link to my blog in my profile, and I have a couple short stories and fragments up there.

Attached Files
.doc   CHIMERA_Lyle Enright_Short Story Submission.doc (Size: 56.5 KB / Downloads: 166)
(This post was last modified: 01-29-2013, 12:11 AM by ynysdyn.)
01-28-2013, 09:48 PM
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