(02-23-2014, 08:57 PM)HannahDJA Wrote: If your objective is to scare away members from ever posting in the forum, I think you guys should get medals.
Regardless of how old the thread is, or how 'useless' you think the comment is, in this situation the commenter is grateful, and is showing their thanks by commenting. Their comment isn't useless.
I didn't mean to sound disappointed or anything, it just seems that the past few days quite a few old threads have been revived unnecessarily. This is not one of the cases, because I don't think a "thanks" is in any way useless, however some replies to other threads were answers to questions asked 2 years ago, which I don't think are relevant anymore. Perhaps they find the thread through Google and don't notice the time stamp. I admit to missing it several times myself. Regardless, it just seemed to happen so often that it almost seemed like the user did it intentionally or was unaware.
My apologies to Stenclowskimat if I sounded rude.