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Why I won't buy Penumbra: Black Plague
Linux.Blue Offline
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RE: Why I won't buy Penumbra: Black Plague

so if they both die out at some point, you might as well burn it on a CD. I use SONY, and it seems to work for some time. Every few years or so, reburn it. easier than a retail disc
05-11-2008, 10:24 PM
martinko Offline
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RE: Why I won't buy Penumbra: Black Plague

Because I cannot pay for it at eSellerate. Got third credit card, bothered another friend, and their crappy eshop didn't recognize even this one.

I think eSellerate is not worth selling this title, as it is actually preventing potential buyers to get it.

That's it!

05-16-2008, 01:52 PM

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