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Work in progress Down The Rabbit Hole +Trailer
finScript Offline

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RE: Down The Rabbit Hole +Trailer

I can do some beta testing!

04-05-2013, 05:38 PM
DnALANGE Offline

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RE: Down The Rabbit Hole +Trailer

RE: Down The Rabbit Hole +Trailer

Just finished it and i can say WOW!
This was one of the top 10 best story's i've played in a LONG time!!!
Very nicely done, scripting was also AMAZING!!!
Mapping was VERY good! Great job there!
Music was very bad in my opinion.. Juts sounded like a soundtrack of Keen Commander HEhEee..
Details were good / Very good..
Puzzles : Were really well done!
Some are a bit not difficult... but anoying..
MY OPINION HERE->to be REALLY hounest that key in that cellar where you need "someone the help" Will give problems for people... i didn't know what to do.. and suddenly i saw the key in that room? Be sure to let people know what is happening "Hint-> like make the player look at the key when it is there? "
Maybe a little bit more WUEST information? There are a LOT but maybe a bit more or carefully placed?
There were glitches here and there like Humiliation said before..
I've seen couple of paintings and some stuf that HAS to be on the wall,but are like 1 "block" off the wall , Looks weird...
Some light trough walls - Hint "If you do NOT use outside area's, ALWAYS take some black\dark skybox..
Then you won't be able to see those white spots\glitcherydoo's Wink
TOO bad there was no voiceacting SadSadSad
Spoiler below!

"""BAD\Things that could be changed:"""
1.There are a couple of maps where you Spawn\Teleport to a new area\map.. Those parts are REALLY weird!!!
Just a black box and there you start from.. That was strange to me.
2.Pay GOOD attantion to FOXAREA'S... Some does look weird or misplaced..
3.There are very little or maybe 1 tree{s} if i remember good.. UNCHECK the collide.. ppl will fall of the map Wink
I haven't seen a lot BillBoards? why? That's just that little toutch!
So far my opinion as far as i can remember from some minutes ago..

Overal 8.5\10

AWESOME job!!! Loved it!
(This post was last modified: 04-05-2013, 07:37 PM by DnALANGE.)
04-05-2013, 07:17 PM

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