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Script help.
Storfigge Offline

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(04-17-2013, 01:55 AM)Yare Wrote: I think it will be like this, step by step:

SetLocalVarInt("BarrelCollisionCount", 0);

Just after "void OnStart/OnEnter" you declare a variable. It doesn't have to be "BarrelCollisionCount", name it as you wish.

AddEntityCollideCallback("BARREL NAME", "SCRIPTAREA1 NAME", "FUNCTION NAME", true, 1);
AddEntityCollideCallback("BARREL NAME", "SCRIPTAREA2 NAME", "FUNCTION NAME", true, 1);
AddEntityCollideCallback("BARREL NAME", "SCRIPTAREA3 NAME", "FUNCTION NAME", true, 1);

Here we add collide callback for 3 script areas. You can do it this way, though for more than 2 objects I usually use "for" loop.

void FUNCTION NAME(string &in asParent, string &in asChild, int alState)
    AddLocalVarInt("BarrelCollisionCount", 1);
    if (GetLocalVarInt("BarrelCollisionCount")==3)
        SetSwingDoorLocked("DOOR NAME", false, false);
        (And here put any other effects you would like to play. Maybe unlock sound, or something like that)

Every time the function is played, it adds 1 to the variable and checks if the variable equals 3. On the 3rd collision it should unlock the door.

This was perfect thank you a lot Big Grin

04-17-2013, 04:29 PM

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