![[Image: help_by_rueppells_fox-d62f6gl.jpg]](http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2013/110/3/7/help_by_rueppells_fox-d62f6gl.jpg)
See how narrow the spotlight is in the above image? It fits with the window and is angled down so that it doesn't look like the sun is pressing its hot face against the glass. Also notice how only the windows facing the brightest spotlights get billboards and gobo/shadow-casting spotlights. That's because sunlight behaves like a particle in terms of casting light and travels in a linear direction, meaning it will not shine through two windows at a 90 degree angle.
![[Image: help3_by_rueppells_fox-d62f73p.jpg]](http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/110/1/6/help3_by_rueppells_fox-d62f73p.jpg)
This is what I meant by "frame the window with billboards". The billboards are dyed blue (so that you can see them better) and not clipping through anything or leaving gigantic gaps between them. If you were playing the game, the player would not be able to see the billboards from that angle so it wouldn't look quite so odd. Even if s/he could, they are much fainter when not blue, so gaps/overlaps/missing pieces don't look quite as bad.
![[Image: help4_by_rueppells_fox-d62f7ms.jpg]](http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2013/110/5/8/help4_by_rueppells_fox-d62f7ms.jpg)
The above image is what I mean when I say "fill your space". Even the ceiling has something on it of interest - whether that's a spider web or a few decals or a window or just a few interesting architectural features. The easiest way to do this is to turn off grid-snapping (the magnet) in the level editor. Just think, when you're designing a room, what is its purpose? What kind of things would be useful to have on-hand in this particular room?
![[Image: help5_by_rueppells_fox-d62f8kf.jpg]](http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2013/110/1/8/help5_by_rueppells_fox-d62f8kf.jpg)
An example of the importance of a box light and space optimization. Perhaps also an example of how something you were originally thinking of just scrapping can become quite nice. Originally this map started out as a single room (this room: [url]
http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2013/0...5q2l76.jpg[/url]) - the one on the bottom right - with a secret dead-end one short wall-length wide and two wall-lengths long. The entrance room was added next with the idea of having a monster break down the door, forcing the player to hide in the secret room. Realizing this was boring and created poor flow, I replaced the secret room with a hole in the wall, leading to the first part of the library and an upper study (accessible by climbing bookshelves). The hallway was added next with the other two rooms following. The bottom-left room is purely aesthetic whereas the top left adds to the story-line and contains important puzzle information.
Translation: the last picture is basically me saying "don't give up on your CS just because I told you to fix a ton of things"
Good luck with your Custom Story!