Hello there,
first forgive my english, I'm not native,
so I'm very interested by HPL engine because I want to try programming a game engine by myself as a hobby, and I have a lot to learn

I follow the JKO Guide, and eventually succeed to compile HPL and OALWrapper (correctly I suppose, ie. with alut) but overture resists!
I searched a lot (I read almost all error post, I don't want to duplicate a post

) on the forum, but didn't find anything...
The error is (message is in french but pretty explicit) :
Erreur 2 error LNK2001: symbole externe non résolu "public: __thiscall cOAL_CustomStream::cOAL_CustomStream(struct tStreamCallbacks const &,struct tStreamInfo const &,void *)" (??0cOAL_CustomStream@@QAE@ABUtStreamCallbacks@@ABUtStreamInfo@@PAX@Z) D:\C++\FrictionalGame\OuvertureSource\PenumbraOverture\OALWrapper.lib(OAL_Device.obj)
I really want to understand how this thing work, but I'm not familiar with linking library...
Need little help, please...