1: It's never late. You can always transform your CS to an IFC.
2: Besides that, you can remove the glowing thing in items, so they are harder to find, you can change the maximum health and sanity (I think), but mainly what you said.
IFC ALWAYS will include the typical guy who says "It doesnt work plz help meh" because they usually give issues to people, so, if you decide to make your CS an IFC for reasons stated in point 2, you should post a tutorial or readme with your story on IFC problems troubleshooting.
I made once a guide that troubleshooted the common issue:
EXCEPTION_ACCES_VIOLATION in module Amnesia.exe at 0023:004A67A8"
http://www.frictionalgames.com/forum/thread-20271.html (guide)
And a ReadMe treating on how to install full conversions will be useful too (make it idiotic simple, so everyone has the less error range as possible).